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设计色值 cmyk银 色 20 15 14 0金 色 5 15 65 0米 色 5 5 15 0高亮灰 5 5 3 0浅 灰 25 16 16 0中 灰 50 37 37 0深 紫

  http://blog.alighting.cn/Echo-o/archive/2010/4/18/40640.html2010/4/18 22:24:00


飘然中她来了, 渴望已久的身影. 蝴蝶般的舞动, 透着玉兰的芬芳. 一切是那么突然, 一切又是那么的美好. 很久以前相识地方 以成为回忆的往事, 同知, 梦想. 和对浪漫爱情的勾画

  http://blog.alighting.cn/zhaowansheng20/archive/2010/4/21/41055.html2010/4/21 17:57:00


bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43726.html2010/5/10 22:32:00


bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43727.html2010/5/10 22:32:00


bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43728.html2010/5/10 22:32:00


bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43729.html2010/5/10 22:32:00


bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43730.html2010/5/10 22:32:00

[原创]and why

bonaparte, on entering the mbt grand saloon, where i was in waiting, accosted me in his mo

  http://blog.alighting.cn/wotanuo/archive/2010/5/10/43731.html2010/5/10 22:33:00


百科名片 led 是英文 light emitting diode (发光二极管)的缩写,它的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,

  http://blog.alighting.cn/sanjs_led/archive/2010/5/12/43958.html2010/5/12 17:31:00


百科名片 led 是英文 light emitting diode (发光二极管)的缩写,它的基本结构是一块电致发光的半导体材料,置于一个有引线的架子上,然后四周用环氧树脂密封,

  http://blog.alighting.cn/sanjs_led/archive/2010/5/12/43959.html2010/5/12 17:31:00

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