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do you know 360 degree LED tube Light?!

360° LED tube Lights is green energy-efficient Lighting,good Light quality and good hea

  http://blog.alighting.cn/bbier/archive/2012/7/10/281350.html2012/7/10 16:48:29

LED street Light,pwm调光更加完美

LED street Light目前的调光技术主要采用两种方式:模拟调光和数字调光。使用脉冲宽度调制(pwm)来设置周期和占空度可能是最简单的实现数字调光的方法。   模拟调光通

  http://blog.alighting.cn/elite3c/archive/2014/9/22/358135.html2014/9/22 15:27:40

LED street Light厂家如何把控光衰

LED产品因其多重优势,广泛应用于多行业。但是,LED产品的应用过程中,总会遇到这样的问题,LED street Light在产品上刚开始的时候是正常工作的,但点亮一段时间以后就

  http://blog.alighting.cn/elite3c/archive/2014/8/31/357233.html2014/8/31 23:23:48

LED stage Light(for sale)

LED stage lamps案例相关信息:

  http://blog.alighting.cn/winhos/archive/2009/2/28/13221.html2009/2/28 20:21:00

Light Light的悬浮灯具设计

磁悬浮的伟大应用之余的一点点小发明创造,不过,这样的装饰性效果如果能和别的功能结合起来,那也许会更有意义一点吧?那么 Light Light 设计工作室推出的这款漂浮台灯,应

  http://blog.alighting.cn/zgf/archive/2013/6/20/319579.html2013/6/20 20:26:00

field of Light灯光装置展览

f Light”展览室 munro 最近的一次灯光装置展览。LED灯光动画 LED照明设计 :http://www.nsurprise.cn

  http://blog.alighting.cn/nsurprise/archive/2011/12/3/256651.html2011/12/3 14:09:34

so cool the high bay Light is

30w LED high bay Light fixtures is low energy high bay Lighting,beam angle 360°,le

  http://blog.alighting.cn/bbier/archive/2012/7/17/282174.html2012/7/17 14:11:49

lack of response to space farms Light

some expertssaid that, if the robot sent to the moon or mars, xingji Lighting LED pane

  http://blog.alighting.cn/175310/archive/2013/4/13/314367.html2013/4/13 10:06:47

lack of response to space farms Light

some expertssaid that, if the robot sent to the moon or mars, xingji Lighting LED pane

  http://blog.alighting.cn/175310/archive/2013/4/13/314369.html2013/4/13 10:07:04

lack of response to space farms Light

some expertssaid that, if the robot sent to the moon or mars, xingji Lighting LED pane

  http://blog.alighting.cn/175775/archive/2013/4/13/314374.html2013/4/13 10:15:03

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