以gan 基蓝光l ED 芯片为基础光源制备了大功率蓝光lED ,并通过荧光粉转换的方法制备了白光lED。对大功率蓝光和白光lED 进行了寿命试验,并对其失效机理进行了分析。结
https://www.alighting.cn/resource/20060801/128938.htm2006/8/1 0:00:00
ED型单端涂粉金属卤化物灯 to型金属卤化物灯35w-400w 彩色金属卤化物灯175w-400w ED型单端金属卤化物灯70w-400
http://blog.alighting.cn/wujideng/archive/2011/5/15/178736.html2011/5/15 15:12:00
s the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes but on ED hardythe contrary tree
http://blog.alighting.cn/nihao85422/archive/2010/5/20/45066.html2010/5/20 15:57:00
some of which are sED clotheso small that one has a hard time seeing them thro ED hard
http://blog.alighting.cn/nihao85422/archive/2010/5/20/45070.html2010/5/20 16:05:00
e secret of the little prince's life on t ED hardy clotheshe fifth day-- again as al e
http://blog.alighting.cn/qqmy123/archive/2010/5/27/46250.html2010/5/27 9:06:00
d h australia ugg bootsis golden curls in the breeze.i know a plan ED hardy men'set wher
http://blog.alighting.cn/qqmy123/archive/2010/5/27/46253.html2010/5/27 9:09:00
d anything! i ought men's clothesto have judgED by deEDs and not by words. she cast her e
http://blog.alighting.cn/qqmy123/archive/2010/5/27/46260.html2010/5/27 9:16:00
u? certainly women bootsthey do the king said. "they ED hardy t obey instantly. i do no
http://blog.alighting.cn/qqmy123/archive/2010/5/27/46266.html2010/5/27 9:20:00
y words : high power white l ED ; semiconductor lighting source ; luminous flux ; lume
http://blog.alighting.cn/wasabi/archive/2010/12/13/120562.html2010/12/13 23:08:00
e in the us, out of recyclED plastic…?what clothing brand similar to ED hardy cheap?ii’v
http://blog.alighting.cn/piiuuo/archive/2009/11/19/19612.html2009/11/19 9:12:00