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节能环保新招 lED自调光照明系统帮你忙


  https://www.alighting.cn/news/20150702/130585.htm2015/7/2 10:05:13

国际标准变化 | 事关蓝光危害评估

今年5月,iec发布了关于撤销光源和灯具的蓝光危害评估的相关国际标准iec tr 62778:2014 ED2的消息。针对这一变化可能会对行业企业带来的影响,全国照明电器标准化技

  https://www.alighting.cn/news/20230808/174830.htm2023/8/8 16:52:30

what about my truck

e, ED.' ED lookED around, and then back at eliza. she was able to keep eye contact, and he wa

  http://blog.alighting.cn/siohxe12b/archive/2010/4/25/41702.html2010/4/25 9:22:00

entrepreneur christian audigier kickED off

e flamboyant ED hardy style has made a quite a show of his sadness over michael jackson'

  http://blog.alighting.cn/awpowr/archive/2009/10/9/6879.html2009/10/9 14:08:00

the comfort of your home

v shoesclothes you must think while selling clothes is the comfort. luckily for rule the ED hard

  http://blog.alighting.cn/aimml9/archive/2009/9/22/6631.html2009/9/22 9:25:00

maria shriver’s yearly women’s

y in them. among the exhibition, ED hardy t-shirt can be seen quite often.in an exhibition b

  http://blog.alighting.cn/tldsxcu/archive/2009/10/21/7215.html2009/10/21 10:03:00

in fact

t - ' 'ED, ED, please. stainless steel jewelry you're the professional, right? you wer

  http://blog.alighting.cn/tianxia116/archive/2010/4/16/40420.html2010/4/16 15:22:00

绿色环保 利乐包变身银光闪闪的吊灯

利乐包的发明带给了我们方便的同时,也给我们带来很多不便。利乐包不是一种环保的设计,复合的材料中有塑料薄膜、铝箔、卡纸,不利于回收,制作工艺相对复杂。马来西亚设计师ED chew奇

  https://www.alighting.cn/case/2011/7/20/143233_30.htm2011/7/20 14:32:33



  https://www.alighting.cn/pingce/20130219/121945.htm2013/2/19 16:39:05


文章介绍了以c8051f020 为核心的l ED 显示系统的设计原理。在扫描驱动电路方面, 采用了“单元”的设计思想, 将整个屏幕分为8 个部分进行同步的扫描。这种设计思想有利

  https://www.alighting.cn/2014/4/30 10:13:06

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